Latino Policy Forum

Inspiring Communities, Educators and Leaders into Action

The Challenge

A recent study of full-day, bilingual pre-K Latino students was published with encouraging results for students and communities. Our client asked us to create a compelling and creative campaign to help drive awareness of these results to a variety of audiences including school superintendents, community-based organizations, first generation families with English Learning (EL) students and native English-speaking families in the general public. The goal of this effort was to influence change in educational decisions and budgets throughout the state.

Campaign Concepts

Background & Problems

With a diverse audience, the results of the study were valued in different ways for each segment. We needed to find a way to develop a single message and engaging visual approach that would compel this range of community members and decision makers to learn more about the study.


Our Approach

It was imperative to get the messaging right before creative concepting. We began our messaging process with an emotional benefits ladder to identify specific meaningful outcomes of the study, their benefit to each audience segment and the resulting emotional value. This enabled us to drill down into commonalities and develop a messaging framework and concepts to support a campaign that would resonate across all audiences.

Print Ad

Social Post


How We Contributed



Concepting & Design


Creative Concepts


Social Posts


Messaging Framework

Our Solution

The All Day, Pre-K campaign became a memorable rally cry to spread the word about the impactful study results. The campaign translated into digital deliverables including a video, infographics, and social media assets that drove audiences to the Latino Policy Forum website to learn more about the positive impact the study had for entire communities.


The campaign collateral played a pivotal role in helping the client advocate in the subsequent legislative session which translated into a successful investment of more than $2M in early childhood programs and services.

The work we did with UOTB was critical in helping us popularize technical research and policy to various audiences to impact change. Through thoughtful discussion, UOTB helped us to frame our issue area in ways that were tailored to the varied interests of our audiences.
— Rebecca Vonderlack-Navarro, Vice President of Education Policy & Research